
måndag 12 september 2016

Australian traveller finished and Joey´s challenge 130

Last night I  finished the beautiful tile that came to me from the other side of the Globe! From Australia with colors that reminds me of the midnightsun high up in the mountains of north of Sweden! That is fantastic: The unit we should be aware of and that includes the whole creation of this world!

First the start once again:

Sue Zanker started this tile with Youie (Jennidee Mills). I think this pattern is a tangleation of Betweed, so I added Betweed, Nipa and `Nzeppel:

I loved to work on this surface! The tile is a little bit larger than I am used to: 10x10cm. The colors brought its own light into the work. It was all there, I only had to bring it out! Thank´s Sue Zanker for this wonderful experience!

This morning I went to the vet with our Pumi. She had to get her vaccinations done! She is quite reserved to unknown people. Bisse knows how to act with other dogs but people is another thing! This was her first experience of a Swedish vet. And she was so cool! Nothing at all seemed to worry her! She was just curious about the whole thing!

Happily home again after making her Pumi-race on the green at Brukshundsklubben (nearby)she fell asleep and I went into tangling the 130th challenge of Joey´s!

I used string 159 (Dorothy Allison) on a black tile. The starter of the challenge was Tipple in the corners. Tipple is such a nice pattern and I have used it a lot. This time as a starter it almost took over the place! I than added Mooka and Indyrella. It was some time since I worked on a black surface because I just have a few left of the original tiles. I have to get me some more. Soon. Because I find it relaxing in a certain way.

14 kommentarer:

  1. A very nice travelingtile in those sunny colors and a beautiful Youie (I didn't know this pattern)
    I like drawings on black tiles, they are a bit magic and I love this result very much,especially the white glow you have created.

  2. Dear Anita, I want to ask you a question but I don't know how to reach you, I'm not on social media. Can you send me an e-mail so I have a way to reach you:
    thank you, kind regards

  3. Anita, love your tiles. The one with the colors is lovely. I like the way you did Joey's challenge this week: Just enough tipple, and then two other tangles. Great job!!


    1. Thank's Joyce! Your supporting words means a lot!

  4. Your traveling tile is exquisite. The initial colors are gorgeous, and the tangles that you've added finish it off beautifully.

  5. I love how you finished that tile. Your black tile is amazing! I'm a little scared of those;-)

  6. I love how you finished that tile. Your black tile is amazing! I'm a little scared of those;-)

    1. Face your fears! You can always add color to them! I belive you'll do fine!😄

  7. There is something quite different about working in reverse on black tiles. I've only done it on a "real" tile once. I have some black visual arts paper that showcases gelly pens beautifully but is not so good for pencils.
    I really love your travelling tile, the colours are gorgeous and the tangling doesn't detract from the colour at all. Beautiful.

    1. Thank's Suse. I also have tried other blacks than original. But I like originals best! That doesn't mean I fond it easy to work on black. But I do like it! The outcome is very often a great surprises!

  8. Beautiful tiles. Like what you have done with the travelling tangle.
