
söndag 25 september 2016

Travelling tangles connecting people!

I have met a lot of people by now because of the movement "Travelling Tangles Project". To get mail from Australia, USA, Belgium or wherever from is so much more fun than to get those bills or advertisement that fills up the mailbox! Today I´ll let some of all those beautiful starters fill up this post! 
From Kat van Royen in Virginia, USA:

From Debra Huff, California, USA:

From Michele Wynne, California, USA:

From Lin Laidler,MA,USA:

Something happened two weeks ago or so! I got e-mail from Ria Matheussen in Belgium! She is not on Fb but she wanted to participate in this project anyhow and she wanted to do it with me! I then got such a beautiful letter with a wonderful handmade card from Ria. Now I have finished both tiles she sent me, and I have mail for her on the go! Here is her happy mail for me!

This is almost a "before-pic"!  started to embellish the ribbon before I remembered to take the photo! But you can pretend the lines in the ribbons should not be there:

I am so happy to be in this project. It gives me a lot of inspiration and also with theese exchangings it is like I know the persons behind their mail and by their finishing the tiles I sent them in another and a deeper way than only "seeing" eachother in communities on internet. This is such a beautiful idea!

6 kommentarer:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said Anita, travelling tangles is a wonderful project! Ria introduced me to it initially, her work is lovely.
    Lots of beautiful work here!

  2. This is a very nice post with a lot of beautiful traveling tiles. I like all the results and I am glad that you have shared this wonderful project also with me. Thank you very much Anita.

  3. Lovely post Anita! This is such an amazing group and it really pushes us out of our comfort zone. It's a joy to collaborate with you...and Ria too;-)

    1. Thank's Michele! You put it on the spot! It pushes me too!😄

  4. Lovely post Anita! This is such an amazing group and it really pushes us out of our comfort zone. It's a joy to collaborate with you...and Ria too;-)
