
onsdag 9 november 2016


Is it possible to match two very different patterns in a happy marriage? That was my personal challenge today using string 186. The Diva´s challenge this week is UMT, which stand for Use My Tangle. The tangle is EAXY from Nadine Roller. I decided to use EAXY together with my favourite for this week, Fassett (Lynn Shelton Mead).

This is actually my second try, not my first. The first one is not to be shown yet. It went too far in shading and to save it i colored it but even if I had a relaxing moment doing it I must admit I am much more satisfied with the second one in all aspects. I will have to give the first one a remake of some kind but as for now it is resting in my things-to-go-on-with-pile.

To get these patterns together in a way that gives both equal dignity wasn´t the easy way. But breathing, making it slowly and let the string guide was what I concentrated on. And I do love the final outcome!

17 kommentarer:

  1. Well done with only two tangles :-) Gudrun S.

  2. You did a great job with these two patterns. I like the way you have mixed and shaded it. Many greetings from Germany, Sabine

  3. I love how your tile just flows. Beautifully done.

  4. Beautiful composition and shading! Love it!

  5. I can only agree with the others: you show us a beautiful marriage, maybe a difficult one but surely a very pretty one!

  6. Such a beautiful tile with this string and patterns!!! I love it what you have done here and thank you for giving Eaxy a try :-)
    Best wishes from Cologne, Nadine

    1. Thank's Nadine! The pattern is special and I like it very much!

  7. I like how you combined these two Tangles! Terrific!

  8. Lovely and good combination of tangles.

  9. Wonderful tile! Great idea to use Fassett next Eaxy!

  10. Thank's Deanne, Susan, Anette and Anne!😍
