
torsdag 3 november 2016

Halloween 2 and a happy mail of travelling tangles

Today I made one more Halloween-tile. This time for Joey´s weekly challenge.

I did this on a marbled tile and I belive the outcome is different than what I use to do. Unfourtunately I forgot to take a before-pic, the tile was really beautiful without  anything on. But that is me. I started with the Wud-pumpkin (Joey´s start)and I used the colors on the tile as a string. Wud is a pattern by Joni Feddersen. The other patterns are:Web (Suzanne McNeill), Quill (SSB), Boze (Jan Steinle), Cruffle (Sandy Hunter) and Tipple.

Here Is my pumpkin, grown in my garden:

Yesterday mail was so nice! I got one more happy mail from Joey van Oort! It is laying here in front of me waiting to be done. Here is her nice mail for me:

Thank´s Joey for these inspiring tiles! I look forward to do this!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Your Halloween 2 is wonderful :-) Gudrun S.

  2. With a beautiful composition and wonderfull drawn tangles you show us again a gorgeous Halloween tile!
