
söndag 20 november 2016

Moowing ooon.

Yesterday we had a tangler-gettogether-event here were I live in Gärdebyn. We had a great time and here is the outcome:

Today I am laid-back and not doing much, but I wanted to try Moowa (Anya Ipsen), the focus-tangle in Square One.

Moowa is moving around the space going it´s own directions with string 193 (Barbara Finwall)! Printemps, Tipple and a Zengem also showed up. Moowa reminds me of a wave or long fingers or a special mushroom I know. There are a lots of possibilities to add embellishments or transform it into other tangles. It will be interesting to see what is coming up in Square One when tanglers use this!

3 kommentarer:

  1. I don't know this tangle but I really like your tile and the outcome with your tanglefriends looks great.
    I have posted today a blogpost and finished with a swedisch traditional song.

    1. Thank's Ria! You find the step-out here:
