
onsdag 23 november 2016

Reticula and fragments 2

One more round with Anya Ipsens Moowa. the Reticula/Fragment challenge is so interesting. Ofcourse I don´t know anything about the fragments published in Zentangle Primer. But I make it my own way, either using patterns I know or trying to do something I don´t know if it exists.

I used string 195 (Nancy Domnauer)today and this is where it went. Moowa is followed by Shiraz (Linda Farmer). I love the way these two patterns go together! 

7 kommentarer:

  1. There are Reticula and Fragments, designed by Rick and Maria but when you make your own Reticula and Fragments, that is really original and I like your results very much.

  2. Beautiful composition! Love it!

  3. That's the spirit, just go for it! And, it worked for you. Nice tile!

  4. I love the composition of your tile!

  5. I love that you've designed your own fragment! Fabulous!
