
fredag 11 november 2016

Two challenges or more

Tomorrow I am going to Uppsala with my choir, Siljans Vocalensemble. We are having a concert in a medival church called Rasbo Kil. To sing is a very physical activity and it is easy to find similarities between singing and drawing. Zentangle is about focus. Singing in a choir is also about focus. To prepare myself I have done two challenges that became three. One last night, for Joey´s weekly no. 138 also became one more for the Diva´s UMT this week! 

This is also a "finish my tile"-challenge. Joey started it all with Twile (Lesley Scott Gillian). It is a nice little weavy-pattern that I have done before, but forgotten about. I added EAXY(Nadine Roller), just a little Cracked (lori Howe), Flux and Tipple. About the Cracked; I had made more of this, but then the tile felt to "Cracked", so I darkened a lot of it. Then I needed Wud (Joni Feddersen) as a border. EAXY was the reason I made it on a rennaisance tile, I was curious to see what i looked like. 

Next tile is today´s meditation and IAST 170.

The patterns are Oke (Michele Beauchamp) and Jelly Legs (Amber Davis). Jelly Legs is a new pattern and it reminds me of a sort of candy that is called "fried eggs"!

As I am going away until Sunday evening I won´t post anything. So until then, Happy Tangling! Now I am going into music!

21 kommentarer:

  1. Two very lovely tiles! Beautiful work.

  2. two absolutely gorgeous tiles - congratulations :-) Gudrun S.

  3. Ohhh!!! Anita, your Renaissancetile is excellent!! Twile in the middle, surrounded by tipple, eaxy, cracked and flux!! In this beautiful shaded frame...very inspiring!! Thanks a lot for sharing:-) - also love the comparison to music.... Have fun singing in Uppsala... best wishes from Cologne, Nadine

    1. Thank's Nadine! Yes, I had a great time singing😄!

  4. I love both your tiles! The composition and shading are fabulous! Love the hint of red.

  5. Oh yes, your tiles are sooooo very beautiful! I Love the combination of the Divas and Joeys challenges...

  6. Your two tiles are wonderful, I like the Renaissance tile because of the combination of two challenges drawn so well and a subtile touch of color.On the second one, you have drawn sucha gorgeous composition with OKE as the star, I love it.
    I wish you succes with you chour and hope you will enjoy your trip!

    1. Ria we had a great time in the choir and the musicians joining were excellent! Thank you for your warming comments!😄

  7. Wow, two beautiful tiles! Love the the composition of and the border around the Joey/ Diva tile. Your IAST tile is very pretty too.
    I hope you have a great concert in Uppsala!

    1. Thank's Ilse!😄Yes we had 2 great conserts. It was wonderful!

  8. Lovely tiles. Your Joey one is a WOW one.

  9. I love your DIVA-Challenge - the tiny tast of red and the shiny outfit ist great Anita!

  10. All beautiful, but my favorite is the last, teh meditation, one!!! Succes with the concerts.

  11. WOW! Both tiles are so beautiful!

  12. Susan, Ela, Anne and Anja: Thank's a lot for your encouraging comments! 😍💕
