
måndag 5 december 2016

On the third Day and string 203

It is about the timezone. The third day is today, but in the US they are at least 8 hours after us in Sweden, depending on where in the states the post is made. So this evening I was on my toes to get the third pattern which was Shattuck!  So here is my 3Z for today:

It is the same feeling as our "Adventskalender"! So much fun! But today I also made my daily tile using string 203 (Mary Ellen Calhoun). Here it is:

There are a lots of patterns in this! I use to have three or four patterns, but now they are overwhelmig the tile and me. Don´t know why... But I like to do this and I am excited where this will lead... The patterns are: Reel (Lily Moon), Shiraz (Linda Farmer), Hollibaugh, Shattuck (!), Jetties, Diva Dance and some perfs.

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