
tisdag 5 september 2017

Joey´s challenge 4/9

No 4 is done! This time Joey added a pattern new to me. It is called Breach by Yu Ru Chen. A fun pattern that can go lots of ways!

Breach is easy to learn and I think this pattern will stay in my pile of favourites!The others are: Bales, Nipa, Evoke (all Zentangle) and then Beadlines (Margaret Bremner and some Dewdrops. The Nipa variation is something I wanted to try from Lynn Shelton Mead´s Tangledeck. 

This is like going on a Tangle-trip in more than one way. First just let the string guide the whole design, then unexpected adventures along the way and and having a map (Tangle Decks) in my bag! A lot of fun is going on! Here is the entire pic so far:

6 kommentarer:

  1. Hi Anita, you describe in such wonderful words how we enjoy this challenge.
    I'm very fond of your result: so much variation, such beautiful drawn tangles. Especially in your latest tile I love that variation on NIpa together with the dewdrops, looks gorgeous. Have fun and go on, it looks great!!!

  2. Thank´s Ria I surely will! This is a wonderful challenge! :)

  3. Wow, that grows to a beautiful mosaic Anita :-))

  4. Beautiful compostion of this week's tile! Or actually: of all tiles together so far! :-)

  5. This is so beautiful Anita! I am so happy and amazed and inspired at how everyone is moving along with this series. Gorgeous!
