
söndag 5 november 2017

Calendar 1st - 3rd of October

November. Grey and heavy. But still a time to tangle! I started off with the suggested fragment for the month, V4. I like the weavy structure of this fragment! Think I will use it more. The rest of the month I will use my calender doing #Giveatangle challenge in the FB-group Today´s tangles. One tangle a day is the theme. 2nd of November: Vitruvius. I made the striping too, since that was on 1st of November! On the 3rd Schway came up. I have read a lot of comments about Schway like "it is not my kind of cup". Well well, how to handle that. I have used it once. But Then it landed in my pile for not-my-kind-of-cup-tangle!!! I have learned something through my zentangle-journey: Not to give up. Just go for it again. And again. Try to make friends. Lets see if that will work for this tangle!

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