
onsdag 25 april 2018

Working with the Primer

Exercise no 16 in the Primer was something extra! Go back to one tile I wasn´t happy with and redo it slowly. I went back to a tile done in August 2015 (early in my tangling journey). As I saw this tile again I got the feeling I had when I had done it. I know there are no misstakes in zentangle. But this tile made me feel like a failure!!! Here comes the journalpage with both tiles (scanned):

The difference is obvious, isn´t it!! Here comes the first tile (photo):

I find it so messy and so unsure. Yes it was the first time I tried Schway but I get a little nervous looking at this tile. Here is the one I made today:

I like this one much better.  This exercise was very interesting. Not only because I think I have improved. But because I can see that my confidence in myself has grown, I have calmed down and another thing is: I have got rid of the feeling I had looking at my first one, which was a bad feeling! And the point is, now I can accept the first one and also find things that are interesting in it! Yes, this exercise was healthy and fun, I will sure try this again!

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