
torsdag 3 maj 2018

1st-3rd of May and a new pattern LZ´s!

One never knows where or when a pattern will appear in front of you that just has to be deconstructed! This happened to me a while ago, when I saw a lamp in a designstore. I didn´t take a pic of it, but I immediately made a sketch on a piece of paper I found. As soon as I had a chance I started to play with it in my sketchbook. I let it stay there, I wasn´t sure if this could be something to go on with - could it be to simple? But I liked it and 1st of May I started to do it in my calendar:

Almost immediately an Oops appeared! That was what I was waiting for! A new possible variation! I love when things goes like that! (Oh Yes, Someone dear to me left a note in my calendar without me knowing it!)This pattern could be drawn very freely or very regular. And there are a lot of possible embellishment to do. Or just shading. I had to try it on a tile:

No name yet, just a work-name! Here as a background to Onamato (Zt) and LO´s (mine). As Sandy Kelley Jones saw this she had the right name for it: LZ´s! Thank´s for the help Sandy! And here comes the Step-Out:

Very easy do draw! And in zentangle are NO misstakes, just possibilities! Hope you will enjoy this!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Very nice and uncomplicated pattern, surely I'm gonna use it!

    1. Thank’s Ria! Let me know when you have tried it!😍

  2. I just published a blogpost and used your wonderful new pattern in one of my tiles that I show in this post. I love it especially as a background.
