
söndag 10 juni 2018

7th-9th of May , Loev and IAST 246

As I saw Lori Byerly´s calendarpage I realized that Veezley by Sandy Hunter was a patter I had missed. And it is a beautiful one! I had to try it! A second pattern was Loev, which is the focus tangle in Square One. Loev is fun to draw! I went on with it in my sketchbook and on a couple of tiles. 

My first one, Loev is kind of swallowing the air around! Or something like that. I had a big smile on my face doing this. The next one:

Now I tried it without embellishment and with. Together with Veezley and a little Mooka. It is quite funny I think! 

I haven´t been into IAST for some time now. This last one, 246, Adele Bruno wanted us to try Helen Williams tangle String Grid. this is a lovely one and it speaks to my lovely part I think (yes I have got one)! A lot is possible to do with this pattern, but I kept it simple, just to understand the way it is done.

Ofcourse there are a lot of possible things to do with the negative spaces here, but I like the airyness in the pattern itself. Still I wanted to add something except the blue color and as a coincidence, Margaret Bremner recently posted a new pattern, Purdy which has this airyness in common with String Grid!  I think they work fine together and some Beadlines (Margaret Bremner) also made this pattern get a little extra without reducing the lightness. I liked to do this and I guess I am not through with String Grid! Thank´s to Adele Bruno I did pay attention to it!

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