
onsdag 27 februari 2019

Abandoned tiles in Diva´s challenge.

Art is never unfinished, only abandoned! - Leonardo da Vinci

This quote is what Laura Harms starts her challenge 386. I totally agree. It has been a lot about abandoned art/tiles for a while. In my last blogpost I went through this with my journal. So I couldn´t resist this challenge as it walks hand in hand with the Oopses!!

I first found this one:

I belive I started this one in another challenge for the Diva, but put it away, I thought it looked clumsy and didn´t like the way the colors worked.

An here is the result! After I had worked on it a while I actually put it away and almost gave it up. But then I brought it back and went on telling myself I had to look for what this tile wanted and start playing, not judging! Now I am happy I did. The patterns: C-View (Ria Matheussen), Ipso (Jennifer Hohensteiner), Quabog, Maze, Mini-Tipple, Printemps and a little piece of Shattuck.

For the next one I almost forgot to take the before-pic. I just started with Mooka and then I remembered. So the first pick only would have had Printemps on it!

This one wasn´t abandoned in the way my first one was. I started to do Printemps when I was interrupted for some reason and had to do something else. Then I forgot all about it. Now was the time to finish it!

The patterns added: Crescentmoon, Mooka and Fescu. I didn´t go on with the micron I started it all with, I choose to work with  my fountain-pen that sort of has been abandoned for a while and I loved to take it up again!

tisdag 19 februari 2019

A long blog-post about Oops!

Warning! This will be a long blogpost! At the bottom of this post I will give a summary in Swedish dedicated to my students in the Workshop I had in Östhammar recently! Svensk sammanfattning i slutet.

In Zentangle we learn: There are No Mistakes! This was one of the first things I heard about when I started my Zentangle-journey. As things happens that doesn´t go the way we intended to on a tile, there is another word for it: Oops. O: Outstanding, O: Opportunities,P: Presented, S: Suddenly. This describes very well what it is all about. To look upon mistakes as there are no such things as mistakes, but new oportunities to go into another direction. 
Common Oopses:  The pen doesn´t work like expected, the ink comes too fast or doesn´t come at all, the drawn line occasionally doesn´t go the same way as in the step-out for a certain pattern and so on. Or spilling coffe all over the tile, not by purpose but by accident! Or a pet jumping on your hand while drawing a subtle line!

Very early I got a good advice, not to throw tiles away, (but keep them for further consideration) just because they didn´t look like I wanted them to look or because I thought I had ruined them! So I started to keep them in a box named "Z-bargain". I didn´t look into that box until recently when there came a prompt in a Fb-journaling group about Oops.

Digging in this box I found a lot of stuff but my first choice was a black  self-cut zendala, without date,  done long ago and another black tile done recently. Unfortunately I forgot to immediately take a before-pic but this is what the zendala looked like after I had highlighted it a little more and worked on the gem adding some orbs around it.

Patterns: Arukas, Ammon (Sandy Steen Bartholomew) and
´Dillo (Lori Manoogian)

I still didn´t like it so I made a cut with my circlecutter (not a very good one) and fixed the unbalance.

The squared tile I made while preparing for the workshop in Östhammar about Reticula and fragments. It was in a mess and I did mess it up even more using Colorsoftpencils. That´s when I remembered to take a pic:

The Colorsoft pencils was a bad idea. After adding the colors nothing else seemed to work on this surface! I realized that I had to do something totally different and something I usually never do working on my tiles. In my other artwork I often make collages and mixed media and recently I have been working on paper from books to make them translucent so that the words will appear on the collage without too much paper to be seen. I glued such a piece of paper on my tile and then worked on it a little bit more. Here is the final journal page:

This was such a satisfying way to bring tiles alive! I had to dig a little deeper in my box and found this:

Lucky for me this tile was dated! As I found it I knew what this was all about. I was deeply disappointed with the tile at the time I made it. Now I didn´t think it looked too bad but I was still bored looking at it. The reasons why I gave it all up was, I didn´t like the shading at all and to save the tile I used watercolor on it and the green pen obviousely wasn´t dry enough! What to do with this? My first impulse this time was to grab another tile to recue, I wasn´t sure I could make anything with this one. But then I said to myself: There are No Mistakes! And from there I went on working on it. Doing so, I really enjoyed the process and here is my finished tile:

Patterns: EAXY (Nadine Roller), Fassett (Lynn Shelton Mead)
and as a border I used Centipede.

I was happy when I saw the outcome and grateful to this opportunity to give this tile new dimensions! Here is the final journalpage:

Of course I have earned new skills and techniques over time,but this is NOT about that at all. This is about finding out the truth in the message: No Mistakes only New Opportunities. A way to look upon my work from another angle, without condemning, but with curiosity where everything will go and what will happen if I do so or so. A chance to discover new solutions. To embrace the Oopses and be grateful as they appear. This is one of those things that are important in the Zentangle method. When I am able to watch my work in the light of "No misstakes" a magic door opens up and wonderful things might happen! I do love that.

Svensk sammanfattning: I Zentangle lär vi oss att ”Det finns inga misstag!” Det var en av de första sakerna jag fick höra när jag började min Zentangle-resa. När oväntade saker händer, som inte tycks bli det man själv avsett använder vi ett annat ord i Zentangle: Oops. Skulle man översätta det så blir det  istället EMVP: E: Enastående, M: Möjligheter, V: Visar sig  P: Plötsligt.  Att byta synsätt, se på misstag som att de inte alls är misstag utan nya, oväntade möjligheter att gå i en annan riktning.
Vanliga Oopses eller på svenska Emvp: En penna ger ifrån sig för mycket bläck, för litet, eller inget alls, en ritad linje avviker från en step-out,  eller man råkar spilla kaffe över sitt arbete. Eller att något husdjur hoppar mot ens hand när man ritar!
 Tidigt fick jag också ett gott råd: Kasta inte bort en tile bara för att den inte ser ut som jag tänkt mig eller för att jag tyckte att jag förstört den av någon anledning. Så jag spar allting i en låda som jag döpt till Z-fynd. Jag brukar inte titta i den lådan särskilt ofta tills  nyligen när en prompt kom upp i en Journaling-grupp på Fb. Prompten handlar just om Oops.
När jag grävde i lådan hittade jag både det ena och andra och valde till slut ut en svart, odaterad Zendala som jag själv skurit till. Den gjorde jag för länge sedan. Jag valde också en nyligen undanlagd svart tile som jag gjort när jag planerade workshopen i Östhammar. Den blev rörig och jag la undan den och gjorde en ny.  Tyvärr tog jag "före"-bilderna efter att jag kommit en bit på väg i arbetet. Zendalan bearbetade jag först med att förstärka högdagrar och lägga till rundlar runt stenen i mitten. Men det räckte inte, jag fick också skära ner den till en mindre zendala för att få en balans. Den nyare tilen rörde jag först till ännu mer  genom att använda Colorsoft pennor, vilket gjorde att inga andra pennor fungerade på den ytan, så jag fick ta till metoder från mina collage innan den blev sig själv. Ingen zentangle precis men en ZIA! Jag sammanfogade allt sammans till en ny sida i min journal som jag är glad åt!
Nästa räddningsaktion blev så en daterad tile från 2016. När jag återsåg den kände jag igen känslan av besvikelse som medförde att jag la undan den. Orsaker: Jag var totalt missnöjd med skuggningen och försökte uppväga det med att lägga till akvarellfärg, vilket medförde att det gröna bläcket flöt ut. Oops! I efterhand kan jag konstatera att jag hade fallit för frestelsen att planera den här tilen och den blev inte som jag hade tänkt från början. Men nu tyckte jag inte att den var så dålig som då. Efter en viss tvekan fortsatte jag, nu utan att planera! Jag njöt av processen och blev glatt överraskad över resultatet!
Självklart har jag genom åren lärt mig mer och tillägnat mig fler tekniker, men det här handlar inte om det. Det här handlar om att se att det faktiskt inte finns några misstag, bara nya möjligheter. Ett annat sätt att se på arbetet jag gör från en annan vinkel, utan fördömanden och snabba slutsatser. Om att ta till mig Oopsen och vara tacksam när de visar sig, för de ger mig chansen att upptäcka skönhet i det oväntade. För mig har det tagit tid att kunna vila i detta! ”Inga misstag” är en magisk dörr om öppnar sig och underbara saker kan hända! Det gillar jag!

lördag 16 februari 2019

Valentineweek with Divas challenge and Zenuari 2019 Swap

Hearts hearts everywhere. I am not doing a lot of hearts. I have never done, except when I was a teenager. But I can´t avoid them either. I eat them:

I have also drawn some this year. But I didn´t follow the Valentangle 2019, like I did 2018, since I have been busy with other things in life. Painting f.ex. But I have something to post anyhow! Lucky for me there was a Zenuari Swap on the 27th and I asked if Susan Kelley Pundt wanted to do the swap with me and last week I got a happy mail from her!

The before-pics!

I started with the hearty one! Susan had begun with
La Bel (Sue Jacobs) and Funsin (Ru Yu Chen) and I
continued with Hearty  (Livia Chua).

Susan´s start was Ubiko (Cyndi Knapp) and
Zari (Veena Arun) and I finished with
Denma (Anoeska Waardenburg) in combination
with Sez.

There were some hearts from me this Valentine too! I give Susan an extra hug because of this! And an extra hug because her tangling forces me to work with color on the tiles. I do love that, she is pushing me out of my comfort zone!

I am the Diva´s challenge no. 385 also was about Valentine. So I made this as an opportunity to try Dolly Bolen´s new Valentinetangle
"Vintage Heart":

I needed a border so I picked Lo Lo (Hsin-Ya Hsu). Now my hearts will rest for a while!

fredag 15 februari 2019

Journaling - Zentangle

I have thought about journaling for quite a long time. Michele Wynne´s blog Coffee and Creativity has been and is a great inspiration. I love the classic Zentangle, I love to do my tiles in black and white and I love the possibilities when it comes to "beyond basics".I haven´t done a lot of ZIA:s (=Zentangle Inspired Art). But journaling is something that I want to explore more. I decided to post my first steps on the journaling road and I might post some more further on. Here are my first pages:

I have joined a group on Facebook (Our Tangled Lives),which will be a support for me I hope. I have chosen my word for 2019, which was the easy part: Possibilities.

Then I found a quote: "You don´t need to know precisely what is happening or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope" - Thomas Merton

This quote just popped up as I looked for it and it is special to me. A couple of years ago I was reading Thomas Merton and his thoughts made a great impression on me at that time, so this is exactly what I was looking for!

This page is about Schway, which I have avoided as a pattern. But maybe Schway will follow me further along???

I have done a ZIA!!! This was because of a prompt in the Fb-group. I read a story about a tradition in Nepal where they use to make flags with messages, prayers to dead ancestors, friends and so on. It was a wonderful story and that made me do this page. I loved it! I also made me a bookmark for this page:

It is tiny just 8,9x4cm!

My latest page is about imagination: Notice the invisible. I used Embedded Letters, Denma (Anoeska Waardenburg), and Sistar (Hanny Nura).

I don´t know where this will take me. But now I have taken my first steps on the journaling road. I will try to do this once in a while and look for the possibilities.