
lördag 16 februari 2019

Valentineweek with Divas challenge and Zenuari 2019 Swap

Hearts hearts everywhere. I am not doing a lot of hearts. I have never done, except when I was a teenager. But I can´t avoid them either. I eat them:

I have also drawn some this year. But I didn´t follow the Valentangle 2019, like I did 2018, since I have been busy with other things in life. Painting f.ex. But I have something to post anyhow! Lucky for me there was a Zenuari Swap on the 27th and I asked if Susan Kelley Pundt wanted to do the swap with me and last week I got a happy mail from her!

The before-pics!

I started with the hearty one! Susan had begun with
La Bel (Sue Jacobs) and Funsin (Ru Yu Chen) and I
continued with Hearty  (Livia Chua).

Susan´s start was Ubiko (Cyndi Knapp) and
Zari (Veena Arun) and I finished with
Denma (Anoeska Waardenburg) in combination
with Sez.

There were some hearts from me this Valentine too! I give Susan an extra hug because of this! And an extra hug because her tangling forces me to work with color on the tiles. I do love that, she is pushing me out of my comfort zone!

I am the Diva´s challenge no. 385 also was about Valentine. So I made this as an opportunity to try Dolly Bolen´s new Valentinetangle
"Vintage Heart":

I needed a border so I picked Lo Lo (Hsin-Ya Hsu). Now my hearts will rest for a while!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Traveling tiles always take you out of your comfortzone but afterwards you feel good because you did something that you wouldn't do without the swapping. I like your results, especially the blue/braun one and I'm fond of the border you created around your beautiful Diva tile!

  2. I love all your hearty tiles! So nice!

  3. Thank you Ria, Gudrun and Michele!😍
