
måndag 25 juli 2016

Moving tangles

I am the Diva´s weekly challenge 276 was perfect last week! I was going around. I wasn´t in my old routines. So when I was on a trip to Stockholm I took my chance. I went by bus, and the road was bumpy which is to be seen in both tiles!

The first one was done early in the morning on my way to Stockholm. Echoism with stripes in between. And string 132. It was fun to do this, and the journey appeared much shorter than it use to be! I forgot the time, I was just relaxing. Though the lines are wobbling I do like the way it went!

The second one was made on my way back home in the evening next day. I was much more tired this time. But the same thing happened; the journey became shorter and I was able to relax though my head was full of impressions from my stay. I made a string of my own, and used the patterns that came up: Reticulated (Livia Chua), Cubine, Flip-Flap (tangleation of Lap) and Finery.

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