
tisdag 26 juli 2016

Particularly about Echoism

Echoism is the featured tangle in Square One for the moment. When I first met this pattern as a zentangle I wasn´t overwhelmed. It is one of the basic-patterns I learned as I started as a tangler. But I had used it so much in my work as a teacher when I was teaching about handwriting and when I was teaching about how to loosen up tensions when you are drawing.But to use it as a tangle? Could that be fun? The answer I got as I made it in the Diva´s challenge as you saw it in my last post. It was fun. I could see it with new eyes and now I start to see the possibilities in this pattern as a tangle. This morning my meditation went with Echoism:

I am surprised myself about how easy I landed in the zone and how much I enjoyed to be there with Echoism! Double D´s (Judy Murphy) and Beadlines (Margaret Bremner) also followed. I used string 133 (Barbara Finwall).

I haven´t forgotten Joey´s cirkular challenge. I want to catch up with it, since it is a challenge I really enjoy. The last one I did is in my sketchbook:

Organic (Sayantika Ray), a new pattern to me, was in this challenge. It is a lovely pattern! The others are: Brrrst (Kelly Barone), Mooka, Tipple, Fescu and Eddyper (Mei Hua Teng). This is the 6th  of cirkular strings and I want to do them all so I better work on it!

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