
tisdag 20 september 2016

I am the Diva´s challenge 285

Sometimes it just happens. A challenge is a perfect match with me. Today it was a mazy day in court and I felt tired out coming home and opening the computer to have a look at the challenges coming up. I wasn´t in the mood for tangling but I wanted to know what was going on. As I saw the Divas challenge I was really excited and just went for it.

Please go and check the challenge following the link above! Doing this I first dotted the corners, penciled the lines between them and made an intuitive string. Started tangling and let the patterns just grow out from Hamail (Tina Akua Hunziker). Gra-Vee (Laurel Sponseller)followed and then in order: Rain, Tipple, Fife, Florz and at last a little Ipso (Jennifer Hohensteiner). These are all patterns I know by hearth and I had a great moment of relaxation doing this tile. Thank you Laura Harms, you brought me back to basics when I needed it the most!

15 kommentarer:

  1. I really enjoyed your tile...lots going on and the tangles really complimented each other! Fun challenge! 👍🤗

  2. A lovely tile you have created Anita. It is very pleasant to read how you have come to this result, very nice. I also saw your T.T. with Michele Wynn, that is a wonderful one!

  3. This is really beautiful Anita. It's very pleasing to look at.

  4. What a lovely tile. I love your shading and the strong black adds such a nice contrast!

  5. Your tile is so beautiful- pure Zentangle!
    And the words which you wrote are so true - I did it nearly the same way.
    I am going to post it tonight😊

  6. We all can benefit from going back to the basics from time to time. I enjoyed this challenge and I think you made a lovely tile!

  7. You can see that came from your happy place, lovely work!
