
onsdag 21 september 2016

Daily tile

The Diva´s challenge this week is of course Back To Basics. I get back to this, because this is the most important thing about zentangle. Lets be clear: this is the purpose of zentangle. I try to do this every day. There might be a day when I don´t, but that´s a day when something is missing. Most of the time I show my tile if not in this blog, then in a community on Fb. Another thing about this is: I only use a white or a black tile. Not a colored. Not color pens or pencils. It is a meditation and it is the process, not the result that is important. Here is my tile of today (made this evening):

I used string 164 . I needed to slow down, there has been many busy things going on here. I can see that on my lines, which are drawn quite shaky and irregular at the start, but in the end they stabilized. Ping (Yu Ru Chen)is obvious the start. Then came Puf (Carole Ohl) and this is much more in focus. After that I draw Lily eyes (Skinnystraycat) and Star Map (Suzanne McNeill). I intended to take a pic before shading but forgot all about it. I usually do because at that moment I am just in the zone and the plans and intentions are far away. I love that.  

5 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks Anita for this precious words. It is so true, we all forget many times the real purpose of Zentangle and are always trying to do things better, better...
    An uncomplicated tile can be beautiful too and the pleasure of drawing is always more important than the result You let us see the result is not bad at all, on the contrary it is well balanced with nice contrasts.

  2. Thank´s Ria for your comment. I am happy for your always supportive words! they mean a lot!

  3. It's nice that you truly understand what Zentangle is all about. Many have forgotten that. As an artist, I tend to do both, but I am at least aware of the difference. Your tile is lovely and draws the eye inward. Nice shading too.

  4. Lovely tile Ria! The whole composition and execution is really outstanding;-)

  5. I need to learn to do this more, thanks for sharing!
