
torsdag 22 september 2016

IAST 163

Adele Bruno´s weekly challenge 163 includes Flukes, Cruffle (Sandy Hunter) and Andante (Lily Moon). And a fabulous string, very playful. If I only had got the string I wouldn´t have choosen theese three patterns in combination. Now I had to find a way to make the patterns fit in. Yes I know, the string is only a guidance and nothing else. First I tried it on a black tile. I ended that piece with gellypens of different colors. I had some fun, but the result was quite a mess. I put it aside, ready to work on it another day. And started all over again on a white tile. When I was finished it wasn´t too bad but I couldn´t say I was satisfied. I put it aside and went out working in the garden with my little dog as a helper. She is pretty cool in that role! Digging under bushes and carrying sticks and stuff around! When we were finished, I took another look at the tile and yes, I saw what I had to do! Turn it around. Work a little more on the shading! Here it is:

In this moment, studying the tile I kind of like it! Ofcourse I could have done it otherwise, but now it is here like this and I am happy I did it. I might try this challenge again some other time. Maybe with the same patterns. Or maybe something else is coming up. You never can be sure about that in zentangle!

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