
onsdag 18 maj 2016

Roman number XIII

When I saw this challenge from Joey my first thought was, I won´t be able to use all patterns proposed. But as I started tangeling with the Garlic cloves something just kicked in and when I was finished I realized that all patterns were there! Maybe it was because all of them were familiar to me so it was easy to just let it go!

13 is such a weird number. But in Roman way XIII it is something else. The patterns are: Verdigogh, Garlic Cloves (which I don´t know who has made up), Chemystry (Sandy Steen Bartholomew), Cruffle (Sandy Hunter) and Ipso (Jennifer Hohensteiner). Ipso is one of those tangles i use a lot. Easy to learn and it can be done big or small and go in any place where I need something that lighten up! I love that pattern! The others are also so fun to work with, once I start I can´t stop!

5 kommentarer:

Christiane K. sa...

How lovely!!! I like this very much!

Anita A Westin CZT sa...

Thank's Christiane K😄!

Susan Theron sa...


Bine sa...
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av bloggadministratören.
Bine sa...

Your tile is beautiful. I like the way you have use Ipso as border.